
Über 50 Publikationen in Internationalen Journals mit Schwerpunkt Cardiochirurgie und Transplantation.

1. M.Frass M.D; S.Rödler M.D;W.Illias M.D;C.Leithner M.D; and F.Lackner M.D; Esophageal Tracheal combitube, Endotracheal Airway and Mask: Comparison of Ventilatory Pressure Curves, The Journal of Trauma: Vol29 No.11 1989

2. S.M.Feistauer, M.Sturm, A.Makristhathis, S.Rödler, A.Georgopoulos; Mikrobiologie und Pharmakokinetik von fluorierten Chinolonen. Antibiotika Monitor Vol.73(50)1991

3. S.Globits, S. Rödler, H.Mayr, A.Moritz, J.Mlczoch, D.Glogar, E.Wolner; Doppler Sonographic Evaluation of the CraboMedics Bileaflet Prosthesis 1 year experience; Journal of Cardiac Surgery, Vol.7,No.1,(9-16)1992

4. M.Nauck, H.Matthiys, L.R.Emmons, A.Peruchoud, H.Reichel, S.Pfleger, S.Breyer, S.Rödler, A.Georgopouöos, L.H.Block: The immunmodulators broncho-vaxom and urovaxom stimulate the bacterial killing and oxidative metabolism of polymorphonuclear leukozytes by the activation of phosphatidylinosit ol turnover; International Journal of experimental and clinical Chemotherapy, Vol.4 No.1 1991(pp1-11)

5. Koppensteiner R, Moritz A, Schlick W, Fenzl G, Rödler S, Minar E, Ehringer H; Blood Rheology after cardiac Valve Replacement with Mechanical Prosthesis or Bioprosthesis; American Journal of Cardiology 67, 79-83, 1991

6. S. Rödler M.D; A.Moritz M.D; A. Salat M.D; E.Wolner M.D; Hematological effects after Heart valve replacement with CarboMedics and Duromedics-Edwards mechanical Prosthesis; In: Proceedings of the second international Clinical Symposium, Toronto 29-37,1992

7. A.End; S.Rödler; D.Oturanlar; MR. Müller; R.Jaskulka; F.Grabenwöger; E. Wolner; Zur Chirurgie des stumpfen Herztraumas; der Chirurg (1992) 63:641-646;

8. Richard Pacher, Jutta Bergler-Klein, Sebastian Globits, Harald Teufelsbauer, Markus Schuller, Andreas Krauter, Emil Ogris, Suzanne Rödler, MichaelWutte, and Engelbert Hartter; Plasma Big Endothelin – 1 concentrations in Congestive Heart Failure compared to systemic Hypertension; American Journal of Cardiology 71, 1293-1299;1993

9. S. Rödler; E.Wolner; Verlauf und Nachsorge nach Herzklappenersatz; Münch.Med.Wschr.135(1993) 658-661;

10. R.Pacher, S.Globits, M.Wutte, S.Rödler, G.Heinz, G.Kreiner, R.Berger, S.Radosztics, I.Presch, H.Weber; Beneficial Hemodynamic Effects of Prostaglandin E1 Infusion in catecholamin dependent Heart Failure; Critical Care Medicin 1994, Vol.22, No7, 1084-1090;

11. S.Globits, S.Rödler, A.Moritz, W.Schreiner, R.Pacher, D.Glogar, E.Wolner; Dopplersonographic Evaluation of the Duromedics-Edwards Bileaflet Valve Prosthesis at 5 year Follow-Up; J Heart Valve Disease, Nov 93, Vol 2, No. 6;

12. Adelheid End, Suzanne Rödler, Derya Oturanlar, Erwin Domanig, Michael Havel, Hermann Kassal, Anton Moritz, Robert Jaskulka, Ernst Wolner; Elective Surgery for blunt cardiac trauma; The Journal of trauma Vol 37, No 5, 798-802;1994;

13. Peter Siostrozonek,MD; Alexander Kranz,MD; Gottfried Heinz, MD; Suzanne Rödler, MD; Heinz Gössinger, MD; Gerhard Kreiner, MD; Andreas Stümpflein, MD; Manfred Zehetgruber, MD; Martin Schwarz, MD; and Heinz Weber,MD; Noninvasive Estimation of coronary Flow Reserve by Transesophageal Doppler Measurement of Coronary Sinus Flow; The American Journal of Cardiology Vol 72, Dec 93; 1334-1337;

14. A.Moritz, W.Klepetko, S.Rödler, A.Föger, W.Schreiner, F.Grabenwöger, E.Wolner; Six-year after heart valve replacment with the Edwards Duromedics bileaflet prosthesis; Eur J Cardio-thoracic Surg (1993) 7:84-90,

15. A. Moritz, S.Rödler, E.Wolner; Korrektur von Klappenvitien im höheren Lebensalter; Österr.Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin 47.Jhg, 678, S.15-24; 1992

16. Wolfgang Schreiner, Martin Neumann, Friederike Neumann, Suzanne M.Rödler, Adelheid End, P.Buxbaum, Michael R.Müller and Paul Spiekermann; The branching Angles in Computer-Generated Optimized Models of Arterial Trees, Journal of Gen Physiology, Vol 103, June 94, 975-989;

17. S.Rödler; A.Moritz, M.Wutte; R.Hoda; and E.Wolner; The CarboMedics Top Hat Supraannular Prosthesis in the small Aortic Root; J Cardiac Surgery 1995; 10:198-204;

18. Rödler S; Roth M; Nauck M; Tamm M; and Block L.H.; Ca 2+channel blockers modulate the expression of interleukin –6 and interleukin- 8 genes in human vascular smooth muscle cells. J of Mol Cell Cardiol 27, 2295-2302,(1995)

19. S. Rödler; F.Rauscha; M.Capek; A.Höfler; E.Wolner: Herzschrittmacher in der Nachsorge; Münch. Med.Wschr. 137(1995) Nr.46, 749-753;

20. T.Rickards; F.Bertrand; S.Rödler; G.Porenta; M.Gottsauner; P.Probst; PTCA versus CABG in patients with coronary multivessel disease. Cabri European Multicenter Study; On behalf of the european study comittee; Lancet, Vol.346.Nov.41, 1995, 1179-1184;

21. Wolfgang Schreiner, Friederike Neumann, Martin Neumann, Adelheid End, Suzanne Rödler, Seyedhossein Aharinejad: The influence of Optimization Target Selection on the structure of Arterial Tree Models generated by Constrained Constructive Optimization. J. Gen Physiol.Volume 106 Oct 1995 , 583-599;

22. Daneschvar H, Pacher R, Rödler S, Stanek B, Grimm M, Laufer G, Wolner E, Bunzl B; Acceptance of a pump- driven infusion therapy with prostaglandin E1 as a bridge to heart transplantation. Wien Klin Wochenschrift (1996) 108/16: 510-514;

23. W. Schreiner, F. Neumann, M.Neumann, A.End and S. Rödler: Anatomical Variability and Functional Ability of Vascular Trees Modelled by constrained Constructive Optimization; J. theor.Biol. (1997) 187, 147-158;

24. S.Rödler; Herztransplantation in Österreich; Klinik 4/1996; S.10

25. R.Pacher; B.Stanek; B.Pacher-Hengl; S: Globits; J.Koller-Strametz; B.Frey; S.Rödler; E.Ogris;: Prostaglandin E1 and Nitroglyzerin in severe dilated cardiomyopathy; Cor Vasa 1997, 39(2), 1-8;

26. S. Rödler; A. Moritz; W.Schreiner; A. End; P.Ofner; R.Hoda; E.Wolner;: 5 year follow-up after heart valve replacement with CarboMedics bileaflet prosthesis: Ann Thorac Surg 1997; 1018-1025;

27. W. Schreiner; F.Neumann; M.Neumann; R.Krach; A.End; S.Rödler; Limited Bifurcation Asymmetry i Coronary Arterial tree Models Generated by Constrained Constructive Optimization. J.Gen Physiol. Vol 109, Feb 1997, 129-140;

28. W. Mohl, J.Kilo, R.Moidl, S.Rödler;. Standards in valve replacement. Which artificial Valve is really a standard?; Cor Europaeum (1997) 6:10-13;

29. M.Hülsmann; B.Stanek; B.Frey; R.Berger; S.Rödler; A.Siegel; E. Hartter; M.Schuller; E.Ogris; R.Pacher; : Hemodynamic and Neurohumoral effects of longterm prostaglandin E1 infusions in outpatients with severe congestive heart failure. J Heart Lung Transplant 1997; 16:556-62;

30. B.Podesser; G.Khuenl-Brady; E.Eigenbauer; S.Rödler; A. Schmiedberger; E.Wolner; A.Moritz, Longterm results of heart valve replacement with the Edwards- Duromedics bileaflet prosthesis-a prospective ten-year clinical follow-up. J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surg 1998, 115:1121-1129;

31. B.Stanek, MD; B.Sturm,MD; B.Fre y,MD; M.Hülsmann,MD; A.Bojic,MD; R.Berger,MD; S.Rödler,MD; G.Locker,MD; M.Grimm,MD; G.Laufer,MD; and R.Pacher,MD: Bridging to heart transplantation: Prostaglandin E1 versus Prostacyclin versus Dobutamine. J Heart and Lung Trans 1999, vol 18, No 4; 358-366;

32. S.Rödler, R.Berger, R.Pacher; Einfluß einer optimierten medikamentösen Therapie auf den klinischen Verlauf bei schwerer Herzinsuffizienz ; Klinik 1/1999; 22-23;

33. S.Rödler, R.Berger, R.Pacher ; Häufigste Ursachen und Prophylaxe der transplantationsbedürftigen Herzinsuffizienz; Klinik 1/1999; 23-24;

34. B.Frey, A.Zuckermann, J.Koller-Strametz, S.Rödler, M.Hülsmann, B.Stanek, M.Grimm, G.Laufer, and R.Pacher; Effects of Continous, Long-term Therapy with Prostaglandin E1 Preoperatively on outcome after Heart transplantation; Transplantation Proceedings 31, 80-81(1999);

35. W.Schreiner, F.Neumann, R.Karch, M.Neumann, S.Rödler, A.End; Shear distribution in Arterial Tree Models, generated by Constrained Constructive Optimization; J theor.Biol.(1999) 198, 27-45;

36. M.Quittan; B.Sturm; G.Wiesinger; V.Fialka-Moser; R.Pacher und S.Rödler; Kraftstatus der Skelettmuskulatur nach orthotoper Herztransplantation Wien Klin Wochenschr.(1999) 111/12:476-183;

37. R.Moidl;P.Simon;O.Chevtchik; C.Aschauer; M.Grimm; S.Rödler; E.Wolner; G.Laufer; Acoustic quantifikation Echokardiography in the Follow-up of cardiac transplant recipients, Cardiovasc Imag 1999;11:129-132;

38. R.Moidl; P.Simon; Ch.Aschauer; O.Chevtchik; N.Kupilik; S.Rödler; E.Wolner; G.Laufer; Does the Ross Operation fulfill the objective performance criteria established for new prosthetic heart valves?; J heart valve dis , Vol.9.No 2 March 2000

39. J.Kofler; F.Sterz; R.Hofbauer; S.Rödler; E.Schuster; M.Winkler; J.Schwendenwein; U.Losert; Ch.Bieglmayer; J.L.Benumof; M.Frass; Epinephrine application via an endotracheal airway and via the Combitube in eosophageal position; Crit care Med 2000 Vol.28, No. 5 1445-1449;

40. B.Podesser; S.Rödler, R.Hahn, E.Eigenbauer, M.Vodrazka, A.Moritz, G.Laufer,P.Simon, E.Wolner; Mid-term Follow-Up of Mitral valve reconstruction due to active infective End ocarditis; J Heart Valve Dis 5/2000 Vol.9.No. 3, 335-340

41. Mazda Memarrsadeghi, Peter Pokieser, Georg Bischof, Susanne Roedler, Georg Stacher; Gross segmental dilatation of sigmoid colon containing coprolith: Emergency Radiology, 2000, NO 49; 1-3;

42. P. Wexberg,R.Pacher,S.Rödler, K.Kiss,G.Beran, M.Grimm, G.Maurer,and D.Glogar; Intimal Hyperplasia and Coronary Flow Reserve after Heart Transplantation: Association with Big Endothelin -1 ; J Heart and Lung Transplantation 2002;21:1257-1263;

43. W.Schreiner, R.Karch, M.Neumann,F.Neumann, S. Rödler and G. Heinze; Heterogenous Perfusion is a Consequence of Uniform Shear stress in optimized arterial Tree Models; J. theor.Biol. (2003) 220,285-301

44. J.Kleinert, M.Spada, S. Pagliardini, P.Kotanko, T. Voigtländer, M. Födinger, S.Rödler, M.Grimm, G. Sunder- Plasmann; Lack of evidence for unrecognized cases with Fabry disease among male heart transplant recipients.Publication unbekannt

45. Schuster I, Dorfmeister M, Scheuter- Mlaker S, Gottardi R, Roedler S,
Dziodzio T, Juraszek A, Loewe C, Funovics M, Holfeld J, Dumfarth J, Zimpfer
D, Schoder M, Lammer J, Grimm M, Czerny M.

Endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic aneurysms- money dissipation or
economic worth? Ann Thorac Surg 2009 IF: 2.022

46. Juraszek A, Dziodzio T, Roedler S, Kral A, Hutschala D, Wolner E, Grimm M,
Czerny M.Results of open heart surgery in Jehovah’s Witnesses patients.
J Cardiovasc Surg 2009 In press IF: 1.570

47. Grimm M, Loewe C, Gottardi R, Funovics M, Zimpfer D, Roedler S, Dorfmeister
M, Schoder M, Lammer J, Aharinejad S, Czerny M.Novel insights into the mechanisms and treatment of intramural hematoma affecting the entire thoracic aorta.
Ann Thorac Surg 2008;86:453-6 IF: 2.022

48. Results after endovascular stent graft placement in atherosclerotic
aneurysms involving the descending aorta. Czerny M, Grimm M, Zimpfer D, Rodler S, Gottardi R, Hutschala D, Lammer J,Wolner E, Schoder M.
Ann Thorac Surg. 2007;83:450-5 IF: 2.022

49. Czerny M, Zimpfer D, Rodler S, Funovics M, Dorfmeister M, Schoder M, Marta
G, Lammer J, Wolner E, Grimm M.Endovascular stent-graft placement of aneurysms involving the descending aorta originating from chronic type B dissections.
Ann Thorac Surg 2007;83:1635-9 IF: 2.022

50. Roedler S.,Czerny M,Neuhauser J,Zimpfer D, Gottardi R,Dunkler D, Wolner E, Grimm M; Mechanical aortic valve prostheses in the small aortic root: Top Hat versus standard CarboMedics aortic valve. Ann Thorac Surg.2008;86:64-70.

51. ZuckermannA, BohdjalianA, Deviatko E, Dunkler D, Rödler s,Ehrlich M, Wieselthaler G, Pacher R, Bunzel B, Wollenek G, Lazkovics A, Laufer G, Wolner E, Grimm M. The University of Vienna experience in heart transplantation. Clin Transpl. 2002:229-42.

52. Deviatko E, Zuckermann A, Ruzicka M, Bohdjalian A, Wieselthaler G, Rödler S, Wolner E, Grimm M. Extracorporal membrane oxygenation is superior to right ventricular assisst device for acute right ventricular failure after heart transplantation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004 Nov; 78(5):1644-9

53. Deviatko E, Zuckermann A, Bohdjalian A, Roedler S, Dunkler D, grimm M, Weigel . activation of the purine salvage pathway in mononuclear cells of cardiac recipients treated with mycopheolate mofetil. Transplantation. 2006 Jul 15;82(1):113-8

54. Pichler P, Loewe C, Roedler S, Syeda B, stadler A, Aliabadi A, Schukro C,Wolf F, Zuckermann A, LAmmer J, Sochor H, Glogar D. Detection of high-grade stenoses with multislice computed tomography in heart transplant patients. J Hear Lung Transplant. 2008 Mar; 27(3)


1/2016 am Aufbau eines Zentrums für Präzisionsmedizin an der Medizinischen Universität Wien engagiert.

2015 Initiantion of a Integration Mobility training

Since 2007 in Board of Rudolfinerhouse private clinic

Since 2005 in board of St. Anna childrens research Institute

Oktober 1998: Foundation of a rehabilitation group –self managing for Patients after heart and lung-transplantation

September 1991: Foundation of Cliniclowns : clowns visiting chronically ill children and adults first in Europe , since than 33 associations have been founded all over Europe , 71 clowns are visiting 62 Hospitals over all in Austria.
